
Showing posts from December, 2020

Funny Pictures

 Here are some funny pictures me and my brother, Jerry, created. Nuke at Night Bagpipe tuner Ballerina Bill The Billfighter Billy Jean's Queens Billy Bobbie Dollar Bill Something fishy Haji Wall See the Paris sites Pass the Gas Bill Mission Accomplished Red Hat Lady Two Lips The War Room

Hacker Incidents

Over the years, I have been involved in hacker incidents while working at NASA and the US Air Force as a computer security engineer.  I was involved in detecting and analyzing the Morris worm in November 1988 while doing computer security work at NASA Ames Research Center, and ran an Air Force team that went after hackers attacking Air Force and DoD sites.  Here are some publicly known hacker incidents.  The list of non-public incidents is 10 times longer. 1961.01.02  Caltech hackers (Fiendish Fourteen) hacked the stunt cards at the Rose Bowl (U of Wash vs Minnesota)  to say CALTECH instead of WASHINGTON and show a beaver instead of a husky 1971.00.00  John Draper (Cap'n Crunch) uses whistle (blue box) to access Ma Bell 1972.05.00  John Draper arrested for phone fraud 1981.00.00  Kevin Mitnick broke into the records of LA Unified School District, Monroe HS 1981.00.00  Captain Zap (Ian Murphy) breaks into AT&T and changed the internal cloc...