Ancestral Mathematics


In order to be born, you needed:

2 parents (2nd generation): William Raymond Wall (1920-1980) and Bobbie Lueginia Wall (1931-2001)

4 grandparents (3rd generation):  Connie Cullen Wall (1887-1972), Zella Verne Metcalf (1886-1954), James Parker Brown Jr (1888-1974), and Bessie Katherine Davis (1893-1936).  That’s 6 ancestors I needed.

8 great-grandparents (4th generation): William Jesse Wall (1854-1910), Sallie Dixon McCurley (1859-1933), Henry Kanaga Metcalf (1852-1900), Ella Lunette Robinson (1855-1892), James Parker Brown Sr (1850-1890), Nancy Lillian Wright (1865-1906), Hiram Davis (1860-1940), Kathryn Elizabeth Truelove (1869-1967).  That’s 14 ancestors I needed.

16 2nd great-grandparents or 30 direct ancestors (5th generation).  The 2nd great-grandparents would include William Bryson Wall (1821-1904), Louisa C. Hudson (1825-1900), John D. McCurley (1822-1878), Sara Jane Neilson (1829-1904), Frances Metcalf Jr (1818-1863), Ophelia Matilda Kellogg (1818-1898), William Lytle Robinson (1825-1907), Catherine J. Jameson (1823-1903), Jesse Austin Wright (1812-1887), Susan Martha Young (1836-1918), Benjamin Walter Davis (1827-1910), Martha Meadows (1833-1893), and Elijah E. Truelove (1831-1903)

32 3rd great-grandparents or 62 direct ancestors (6th generation).  These great-grandparents would include William Wall (1787-1857), Nancy Wall (1792-1842), William Hudson, Vashti Parrott, William Neilson, Ariana Wormley, France Metcalf, Isabella Craw, Chauncy Kellogg, Helen Howe, John Robinson, Phebe Hall, Thomas Jameson, Laura Ford, James Wright, Nancy Clardy, Rosier Davis, Lucinda Wilson, Hiram Meadows, Elinder Stephens, Ransom Truelove, Elizabeth Penn, and Elizabeth Hitt.

64 4th great-grandparents or 126 direct ancestors (7th generation).  I have 18 names.

128 5th great-grandparents or 254 direct ancestors (8th generation).  I have 14 names.

256 6th great-grandparents or 510 direct ancestors (9th generation).  I have 15 names.

512 7th great –grandparents or 1,022 direct ancestors (10th generation).  I have 19 names.

1,024 8th great-grandparents or 2,046 direct ancestors (11th generation).  I have 35 names.

2,048 9th great-grandparents or 4,094 direct ancestors (12th generation).  I have 66 names, including William Bradford (1589-1657) of Mayflower fame.

4,096 10th great-grandparents or 8,190 direct ancestors (13th generation).  I have 84 names.

8,192 11th great-grandparents or 16,382 direct ancestors (14th generatin).  I have 86 names.

16,384 12th great-grandparents or 32,766 direct ancestors (15th generation).  I have 67 names.

32,768 13th great-grand parents or 65,534 direct ancestors (16th generation).  I have 72 names.  This would be in the 1500s.

65,536  14th great-grandparents or 131.070 direct ancestors (17th generation).

131.072 15th great-grandparents.

262,144 16th great-grandparents.

524,288 17th great-grandparents.

1,048,576 18th great-grandparents or 2.097,150 direct ancestors (21 generations).  This would be in the 1350s. 

I can go back 23 generations to William Stourton (1290-1343) and Joan Vernon (1298-1374). 

I can possibly go back to Gommeri Ivarsson (844-911) and Galeran Meulan (902-986)

80% of historical marriages were between people who were second cousins or closer.  They shared grandparents, which means that the number of ancestors would be two less.  This is known as pedigree collapse.

A generation is between 25 and 30 years.

Between the dawn of civilization and now, there have been 400 generations.






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