Wall Family Timeline


William Dale Wall

1787  William Wall born in North Carolina.  (one source, a Methodist Church record, says he was William Bryson Wall, Sr).  He may have had no middle name.  The Wall clan may have come from Scotland.  Perhaps his parents were Zachariah Wall and Annie Everett.

1792  Nancy Wallace born in North Carolina.  Wife of William Wall.

1810  William Wall moved to Shelby, Rutherford County (now Cleveland County, NC as of 1841)

1812.04.26  William Wall married Nancy Wallace in Shelby, NC.

1821.04.26  William Bryson Wall born in Shelby, NC to William and Nancy Wall. 

1824  Oliver Perry Wall born in Shelby, NC to William and Nancy Wall.

1825.10.25  Louisa C. Hudson born in Parrottsville, Cocke County, TN.  Wife of William Bryson Wall.  She is an ancestor of Henry Hudson the explorer.

1831.09.03  Jesse J. Wall born in Shelby, NC to William and Nancy Wall.

1833  William Wall and family move to Parrottsville, TN, 125 miles away from Shelby, NC.

1840  Cocke County Census (reel 518, page 266) shows William and Nancy Wall with 3 boys and 4 girls.  The girls are unknown (perhaps one named Angeline).  Another census has 4 boys and 5 girls for William Wall.

1841  William Wall may have been a member of the Pleasant Grove Baptist Church and gave many sermons.

1842.03.26  Nancy Wall died in Parrottsville, TN.  She is buried in the Faubion Cemetery in Baltimore (Parrottsville), Cocke County, TN, on Good Hope Road.  The cemetery is 2 miles northeast of Parrottsville.

1843.01.24  William Bryson Wall married Louisa C. Hudson in Parrottsville, TN.

1843.09.29  Robert L. Wall born in Parrottsville to William Bryson Wall and Louisa (Hudson) Wall.

1843.10.07  Robert L. Wall  died in Parrottsville.  He is buried in the Yett Cemetery in Parrottsville.

1844.12.15  Mary E. Wall born in Parrottsville to William Bryson Wall and Louisa (Hudson) Wall.  She later married a Mr. Blanchard and a Mr. Lee.

1845  Oliver Perry Wall married Nancy Jane Davis (1827-1897) in Parrottsville, TN.

1846  Malinda J. Wall born in Parrottsville, TN, to Oliver Perry Wall and Nancy Jane (Davis) Wall.

1846.11.11 Nancy Emeline Wall born in Parrottsville to William Bryson Wall and Louisa (Hudson) Wall.  She later married D. L. McCracken and had 7 children.

1848.12.04  Susan Jane Wall born in Parrottsville to William Bryson Wall and Louisa (Hudson) Wall. 

1850.10.13  George Parrott Wall born in Parrottsville to William Bryson Wall and Louisa (Hudson) Wall.  He later married Narcissa Idella “Della” Easterly.

1850  The Cocke County Census lists Perry Wall (age 25), Nancy Wall (age 23), Malinda Wall (age 4), and Elizabeth Wall(age 2). It also lists William Bryson Wall (age 29 and born in North Carolina), Louisa Wall (age 26 and born in Tennessee), Mary E. Wall (age 5), Nancy Emma Wall (age 2), and Susan Jane Wall (age 1). Also included in that family is Angeline (age 13), born in Tennessee. William Bryson Wall was listed as a farmer with land value of $650.  It lists Oliver Perry Wall as a farmer and illiterate.

1852.09.29  Vashti C. Wall born in Parrottsville to William Bryson Wall and Louisa (Hudson) Wall. 

1852.10.04  Vashti C. Wall died in Parrottsville.  She is buried in the Yett Cemetery in Parrottsville, TN.

1852  Oliver Perry Wall and family moved to Illinois, then Iowa.

1854.07.14  William Jesse Wall born in Parrottsville to William Bryson Wall and Louisa (Hudson) Wall.

1855,03.24.  Entry made Mar. 24, 1855 by William B. Wall & Robert S. Roadman for 400 acres (known as the Bryant lands), cd 3 on waters of Clay Creek. Bd. by Bryant, dec'd, W. Swatzel, John Green, J.F. Fowler, William Evans, Parrottsville Rd., William Palmer, George Buckner, Roadman's Bullman tract, Basinger. Sur. April 15, 1856 by JPT. Wit. A.J. Gillet & John Nott. p.47,48,49

1856.11.01  Millard Filmore Wall born in Parrottsville to William Bryson Wall and Louisa (Hudson) Wall.  He later married Harriett “Hattie” E. Easterly (1867-1946).

1857.09.04  William Wall died in Parrottsville, Cocke Co, TN.  He is buried in the Faubion Cemetery in Baltimore (Parrottsville), Cocke County, TN.

1858.02.10.  Entry made Feb. 20, 1858 by William Bryson Wall for 450 acres in cd 3 on waters of Clay, Oven & Clair Creek. Boardered by John Hale, John Coffman, George Parrott, across Oven Creek Road, William B. Hutson, now J.C. laRue, Daniel Heifner, B. Bryant, J.A. Balew, Rev. Thomas Smith, Thomas Fowler, John Parrott, now George Parrott. Sur. Jan. 20, 1859 by H.H. Baer. Wit. Oglesby Snead & David Berryhill. p.99,100,lOl

1859.08.31  Walter John Wall (some sources say James Walter Wall) born in Parrottsville to William Bryson Wall and Louisa (Hudson) Wall. 

1860  Cocke County Census listed William Bryson Wall (age 39) with real estate worth $7,700 and a personal estate of $2,182. It also listed Louisa C. (Hudson) Wall (age 38), Mary E. Wall (age 15), Nancy Emma Wall (age 14), Susan Jane Wall (age 12), George P Wall (age 9), William Jesse Wall (age 7), Millard F. Wall (age 3), and John Walter Wall (age 11 months).

1863.01.31  Louisa Florence Wall born in Parrottsville to William Bryson Wall and Louisa (Hudson) Wall.    She later married a Mr. Williford.

1863  William Bryson Wall drove hogs to York, SC and furnished bacon to the Confederate army.  (source: Winlock Pilot, 1891 and Yorkville Enquirer, May 13, 1891)

1864  Mary E. Wall married Jack S. Blanchard in Parrottsville, TN.

1865.01.06  Charles S. Wall born in Parrottsville to William Bryson Wall and Louisa (Hudson) Wall

1867  Jesse J. Wall married Emmaretta Gibson (1858-1921).

1869  Nancy Emeline Wall married Delaparis L. McCracken in Parrottsville, TN.

1865  Mary E. (Wall) Blanchard married William J. Lee.

1870  William B. Wall was listed in the 1870 Cocke County Census (section 3, page 116). His age was listed as 50. His occupation was listed as farmer with a personal estate of $500. His wife, Louisa, was listed as age 46. The children were listed as S.J. (female), age 20; J.P. (male) age 18; W.J. (male), age 16, M.F. (male) age 14; J.W. (male) age 12; Louisa Florence Wall (1863- 1890) (female), age 7; and Charles G. (male), age 4.

1878  Susan Jane Wall married Hazel Butler Estes.

1878.07.19  William Jesse Wall married Lydia Thomas (1859-1879) in Parrottsvlle, TN.

1880  William B. Wall was listed in the 1880 Cocke County Census. His age was listed as 59 and occupation was farmer. His wife, Louiza C. Wall, was listed as 57 and occupation as keeping house. The children were: Millard F. Wall, age 24, at school; John W. Wall, age 20, working on the farm; Louiza F. Wall, age 17, at school; Charles G. Wall, age 14, working on the farm. It also listed Fanny Harrill, age 50, as a servant, and Robert McSween, age 15, as a laborer.

1880.07.19  William Jesse Wall married Sarah “Sallie” Dixon McCurley (1859-1933) in Parrottsvlle, TN.

In 1881, Walter John Wall married Florence Talley (1867-1937).

1881  Walter John Wall married Florence Talley (1867-1937). 

1882  Edward Wall born in Parrottsville, TN, to William Jesse Wall and Sallie Dixon (McCurley) Wall.

1883.02.06  Jesse Edgar Wall born in Parrottsville, TN, to William Jesse Wall and Sallie Dixon (McCurley) Wall.

1883.10.16  Nannie Brandice Wall born in Parrottsvile to Walter John Wall and Florence Talley.  She later married Frederick Christian Schaefer.

1884.03  William Bryson Wall and family (43 members called “the colony”) left Parrottsvillle by train and head to the Northwest. 

1884.04.25  William Bryson Wall and family arrived in Winlock, Lewis County, WA.  They first settled in Big Bottom country, Cowlitz Prairie, Buckhorn Hills.

1884.9.01  William Bryson Wall helped establish the first church in Winlock, a Methodist church.

1885.07.09  Hugh W. Wall born in Winlock, WA, to William Jesse Wall and Sallie Dixon (McCurley) Wall.

1885.06.19  Nancy Emeline (Wall) McCracken died in Winlock, WA.

1886.01.06  Anna Laurie Wall born in Winlock to Walter John Wall and Florence (Talley) Wall.

1886.01.21  Zella Verne Metcalf born in Hamilton, IL.  Wife of Connie Cullen Wall.  She is a direct ancestor of William Bradford, who came to America on the Mayflower.

1886.09.28  Walter John Wall died in Winlock of meningitis.  His parents were William Bryson Wall and Louisa (Hudson) Wall.

1887  The Lewis County Territorial Census showed 8 Wall family members.  William Bryson Wall was listed. It listed his age as 65 and occupation as a farmer. His wife was listed as L.C. age 61. It listed his children as W.J. age 33; S. D. age 28; Millard, age 28; Edward, age 4; and Hugh, age 2; and Charles, age 21, a laborer

1887.03.27  Florence (Talley) Wall (1867-1937) married Theodore F. McFadden in Winlock.  She had been married to Walter John Wall, who died of meningitis on Sep 28, 1886.

1887.08.07  Connie Cullen Wall born on Buckhorn Ridge near Winlock to William Jesse Wall and Sarah (McCurley) Wall.

1889  Bryan Wall (William Jesse Wall) was listed in the 1889 Lewis County Washington State Census. It listed him as age 35 and a farmer. It listed his wife as Sarah, age 32. The children were: Edward, age 7; Hugh, age 5; and Connie, age 2. It listed M. F. Wall, age 33, and occupation of farmer.

1890  Louisa Florence Wall died.  Her parents were William Bryson Wall and Louisa (Hudson) Wall.

1890.06.22  Fannie Lee Wall born in Winlock, WA, to William Jesse Wall and Sarah (McCurley) Wall.

1891.02.09  Guy Franklin M. Wall born in Winlock to Millard Wall and Harriet (Easterly) Wall.

1891  The Wall family traded their homestead in Lewis County, Washington, for a house and a lot in Winlock, on 305 NW Arden Avenue.

1891  William Jesse Wall was elected Winlock City Clerk.

1892  Lewis County, WA, census, it listed W. J. Wall (TN) age 27; merchant; S. D. Wall (TN) age 26; E. J. Wall (TN) age 9; H. M. Wall (WA) age 7; C. C. Wall (WA) age 4; Fannie Wall (WA) age 2; G. P. Wall (TN) age 40; clerk; I. N. Wall (TN) age 32; Ada Wall (WA) age 1; M. F. Wall (TN) age 35, drayman; Hattie Wall (TN) age 24; Guy F. Wall (WA) age 1; B. Wall (TN) age 10 (female) (associated with McFadden); Annie Wall (WA) age 6 (female).

1892.11.14  Walter William Wall born in Winlock to William Jesse Wall and Sarah (McCurley) Wall.

1893.03.18  Roy Wall born in Winlock to Millard Wall and Harriet (Easterly) Wall.

1893.04.26  William Jesse Wall became Winlock postmaster.

1893  Charles S. Wall married Idella Dora Whisler in Winlock, WA.

1893  William Jess Wall and George Parrott Wall started a hardware and furniture store in Winlock.  They sold it to Sam Cavanaugh in 1898.

1893  C.C. Wall started school for the first time at the age of 6. There was no school beyond grade school.

1896.04.21  Sanford “Fat” Wall born in Winlock to Millard Wall and Harriet (Easterly) Wall.

1896.11.30  Oliver Perry Wall died in Appanoose County, IA.

1898  Narcissa Idella (Easterly) Wall opened a millinery story in Winlock.

1898.06.18  Selma Wall born in Winlock to Millard Wall and Harriet (Easterly) Wall.

1899.03.18  Hugh W. Wall died in Winlock, WA.  His parents were William Jesse Wall and Sallie (McCurley) Wall.

1889  The Lewis County Territorial Census showed 6 Wall names.

1900  Louisa C. (Hudson) Wall died in Winlock, WA.  Wife of William Bryson Wall.

1900  George Parrott Wall was elected mayor of Winlock for 2 years.

1901  C.C. Wall left 8th grade and took a job at the J. A. Veness Lumber Company, tying lumber after it had been graded.

1904.01.01  William Bryson Wall died in Winlock, WA.

1906.04.29  Anna Laurie Wall married Leroy Quillen in Winlock, WA.

1908.01.30  Mary E. (Wall) Blanchard died in Spokane, WA.

1908.04.25  Millard Filmore Wall died in Winlock.    His parents were William Bryson Wall and Louisa (Hudson) Wall.

1909.06.05  Charles S. Wall died in Winlock of tuberculosis.  His parents were William Bryson Wall and Louisa (Hudson) Wall.  He was a farmer and barber.

1909  William Jesse Wall was Justice of the Peace for Winlock.

1910  Lewis County Census showed 24 Wall names.  15 names resided in Winlock.  , William Jesse Wall was listed in the 1910 Lewis County Census. It listed him as age 55 and occupation of Justice of the Peace. It listed his wife as Sallie D, age 50 (5 children, 4 living). The children were Edgar J, age 27, and a wood turner; Connie C., age 21 and a confectionary salesman; Fannie L, age 19 and a saleswoman at a dry goods store; and Walter W. age 17 as a barber. There were 24 Wall names in the 1910 census living in Winlock. They included: Wall, George P. (TN) age 59; salesman at a grocery store; Wall, Narisses I. (TN) age 49, milliner; Wall, Ada L (WA) age 18; Wall, Hattie (TN) age 42; Wall, Guy (WA) age 19; laborer, odd jobs; Wall, Roy (WA) age 17; sausage maker at meat market; Wall, Sanford (WA) age 14; Wall, Selma (WA) age 12; Wall, William J (TN) age 55; justice of the peace; Wall, Sallie D (TN) age 50; Wall, Edgar J (TN) age 27; wood turner; Wall, Connie C (WA) age 21; salesman, confectionary; Wall, Fannie L (WA) age 19; saleswoman, dry goods store; Wall, Walter W (WA) age 17; barber; Edwards, Louis L (TN) (nephew-in-law); age 30; barber; Wall, Della (IL) age 44; Prigmore, Begassa (son of Della) age 23.

1910.06.04  William Jesse Wall died in Winlock. WA.  His death certificate says that he died of acute broncho-pneumonia brought about by chronic alcoholism. His occupation was billposter and Justice of the Peace in Winlock.  His parents were William Bryson Wall and Louisa (Hudson) Wall.

1913.08.08  Fannie L. Wall married Dr. Clement Allen Cook in Winlock, WA.

1913.09.03  George Parrott Wall became Winlock postmaster.

1915  C. C. Wall enrolled in a business college in Portland, Oregon.

1916  . C. Wall worked as a postal clerk in Winlock.

1916.12.06  Jesse J. Wall died in Centerville, Appanoose County, IA.  He served two terms in the Iowa State Senate (1880-1884).

1917  C. C. Wall became a member of the Masons.

1917.05.16  Connie Cullen Wall married Zella Verne Metcalf in Winlock, WA.  She was a school teacher and a direct descendent of William Bradford of the Mayflower.

1917  Malinda J. (Wall) Davison died in Appanoose co, IA.

1917.10.03  Walter William Wall enlisted in the Army and was part of Company B, 9th Regiment, 2nd Division of the American Expeditionary Force (AEF). 

1917.12.05  Roy and Guy Wall enlisted at Vancouver Barracks, Washington. They were assigned to the Medical Corps and promoted to 1st Class Private. They remained in the service until 15 Feb 1919 when they received his discharge at Vancouver Barracks.

1918  Connie Cullen Wall, Guy Wall, Roy Wall, and Sanford Wall all enlisted in the US Army to fight during World War I.

1918.10.15  Sanford Wall enlisted in the service at Chehalis, Washington. He was assigned to the Spruce Div. and sent to Vancouver Barracks. He received his discharge at Vancouver 21 Oct 1918.

1919  Private First Class Walter William Wall was awarded the Distinguished Service Cross (DSC) for his bravery during the 1918 battle of Chateau-Thierry.  The DSC is the second highest military decoration that can be awarded, behind the Medal of Honor.  He also received the Croix de Guerre, France’s highest World War I Valor decoration.

1919  C. C. Wall was discharged from the army at Camp Lewis. He returned to Winlock and was hired by the Northern Pacific Railway Company as a clerk in the Winlock depot. He worked as a clerk until 1934.

1920.01.04  William Raymond Wall born in Winlock to Connie and Zella Wall.

1920  C. C. Wall joined the American Legion Post 101.

1920  Walter William Wall married Anne Elizabeth Rehill.

1921.11.16  Myrle Elizabeth “Betty” Wall born in Winlock to Connie and Zella Wall.

1923.05.25  Susan Jane (Wall) Estes died in Winlock, WA.  Her death certificate says she was an invalid.

1924.05.19  George Parrott Wall died in Winlock, WA.

1925  Guy Franklin May Wall married Rhoda May Inch.

1925  Roy Wall married Mabel Grace Inch.

1926  Connie C. Wall elected mayor of Winlock, WA.  He was mayor until 1951.

1931.03.05  Bobbie Lueginia Brown born in Quitman, Clarke Count, Mississippi.  She married William Raymond Wall in 1949.

1932   C. C. Wall was a delegate to the Democratic National Convention, held in Chicago.

1933.07.02  Sallie (Sally) Dixon McCurley Wall (1859-1933) died in Seattle, Washington. She lived in Winlock. Her husband was William Jesse Wall (1854-1910). Her death certificate says she died of coronary disease. Her father was John D. McCurley of Ireland. Her mother was Sarah Neilson of Ireland.

1934.06.06  C. C. Wall was appointed postmaster of Winlock. He served for 23 years as postmaster.

1940  Connie Cullen Wall was listed in the 1940 Federal Census. His age at the time of the census was 52 and his occupation was postmaster. His wife was listed as Zella Wall, age 53. Their children were William R. Wall, age 20, and Myrle “Betty” Elizabeth Wall, age 18.

1941  William Raymond Wall was employed by the FBI during World War II.  He was involved in interning Japanese people in the Northwest for the duration of the war.

1945.08.16  Guy Franklin May Wall died in Winlock.  His parents were Millard Wall and Harriett (Easterly) Wall.

1949.06.26  William Raymond Wall married Bobbie Lueginia Brown in Winlock, WA, at the United Methodist Church . Attendees included Alan Adamson, Jean Willadean Battle, Vera Eunice Brown Battle, April Dianne Berry, Katherine Ellen Berry, Evelyn Christine Brown, Ina Katherine Dueber, Velma Rachel Brown Dueber, Paula Ann Eccles, John Miller, Dick Paxton, Fern Strickland, and Betty Wall.

1950  Bobbie Lueginia (Brown) Wall had a miscarriage of conjoined twins.

1951.05.11   William Dale Wall was born at 6:46 pm at New Riverview Hospital (now called Valley View Center or Riverview Health Center), 300 Ocean Avenue, Raymond, Pacific County, Washington. The parents were William Raymond Wall, age 31, and Bobbie L. (Brown) Wall, age 20. They resided at 117 Ellis Street, then 625 Elwood Street in Raymond, Washington. At the time of birth, William Dale Wall weighted 4 pounds, 4 ounces. The delivery doctor was Dr. M. L. Dumouchel (1902-1997). William Raymond Wall’s occupation was listed as a price clerk for the F. G. Foster Company (later Pacific Wholesale), incorporated in 1911. It was a wholesale grocers, hardware and machinery company.

1951.06.17  Betty Wall married Del Thompson in Winlock.

1951  Connie Cullen Wall wrote Historical Sketches of Winlock, at the request of the Winlock Community Development Association.

1952.07.13  Gerald Lee Wall born in Raymond, Pacific County, WA to William Wall and Bobbie (Brown) Wall.

1953.02.27  Walter William Wall died in Winlock, WA.  His parents were William Jesse Wall and Sallie (McCurley) Wall.

1954  William R. Wall and family moved to Centralia.

1954.07.08  Nannie Brandice (Wall) Schaefer died in Chehalis, WA.  Her parents were Walter John Wall and Florence Talley.

1954.10.01  Zella Verne (Metcalf) Wall died at St. Helens Hospital  in Chehalis, WA, 18 miles from Winlock.

1955.02.01  Stephen Kim Wall born at Lewis County Hospital in Centralia, WA to William Wall and Bobbie (Brown) Wall.

1955  William R. Wall and family move to 810 Ferry St, Tacoma, Washington.

1956  Anna Laurie (Wall) Quillen married John William burns in Portland, OR.

1956  William R. Wall and family move to 8305 S. Yakima St in Tacoma.

1957.05.15  Rochelle “Shelley” Lynn Wall born in Tacoma, WA, to William Wall and Bobbie (Brown) Wall.

1958.03.18  Lois Anne Hubbard born in Sunshine, Rutherford Co, NC.  Wife of William Dale Wall.

1958.05.17  Linda Kay Wall born in Tacoma, WA, to William Wall and Bobbie (Brown) Wall.

1960.04.08  Gregory Scott Wall born in Tacoma, WA, to William Wall and Bobbie (Brown) Wall.

1961.06  William Raymond Wall and family move to San Francisco.

1962  William Raymond Wall and Bobbie (Brown) Wall divorce.

1968  William Raymond Wall moved to 901 ½ South 9th Ave in Tacoma.  He was a cab driver.

1969.06.03  William Dale Wall graduated from Clover Park HS in Lakewood, WA.

1969.09.29  William Dale Wall attended Northrop University in Inglewood, CA.

1970.09.03  William Dale Wall joined the US Air Force and went through Basic Training at Lackland AFB in San Antonio, Texas.

1972  Edward Wall died in Winlock, WA.  His parents were William Jesse Wall and Sallie (McCurley) Wall.

1972.05.16  Connie Cullen Wall died in Chehalis, Lewis County, WA.  His parents were William Jesse Wall and Sallie (McCurley) Wall.

1972.07  William D. Wall promoted to Sergeant.

1972.11.27  Jesse Edgar Wall died in Vancouver, Clark County, WA.  His parents were William Jesse Wall and Sallie (McCurley) Wall.

1974.05  William D. Wall promoted to Staff Sergeant.

1974.06.30  Gerald Lee Wall married Linda Barnett in Aiken, SC.

1974.09.01  William Dale Wall honorably discharged from the USAF as a Staff Sergeant who served in Southeast Asia as a crew chief on KC-135 aircraft.  Returned to Stony Point, NC.

1977.05.26  William D Wall graduated from Mitchell Community College with an Associate of Science degree in physics.

1977.08.20  William Dale Wall married Lois Anne Hubbard at the Presbyterian Church in Taylorville, NC.

1979.05.06  William Dale Wall graduated from Lenoir Rhyne University with a B.S. in Physics.

1979.08.25  William D Wall graduated from USAF Officer Training School and commissioned as a 2nd Lieutenant.

1980.05.12  William Raymond Wall died in Tacoma, WA.  Buried in Winlock, WA.

1980.10.03  Roy Wall died in Winlock, WA.  His parents were Millard Wall and Harriett (Easterly) Wall.

1980.11.20  Sanford Wall died in Centralia, WA.  His parents were Millard Wall and Harriett (Easterly) Wall.

1981.03.20  William D. Wall graduated from the Air Force Institute of Technology (AFIT) at Wright Patterson AFB in Dayton, Ohio with a B.S. in Electrical Engineering.

1981.08.20  William D Wall promoted to 1st Lieutenant.

1982.03.15  Selma Wall died in Winlock, WA.  His parents were Millard Wall and Harriett (Easterly) Wall.

1983.05.25  William D. Wall promoted to Captain.

1984.10.05  William D. Wall graduated from Squadron Officer School at Maxwell AFB in Montgomery, AL.

1985.02.06  Fannie L. (Wall) cook died in Seattle, King County, WA.  She was the daughter of William Jesse Wall and Sallie (McCurley) Wall.

1985.05.25  William D. Wall assigned to NASA Ames Research Center in Mountain View, CA, as a computer security engineer.

1990.12.01  William D. Wall promoted to Major.

1991.06  William D Wall assigned to the Air Force Information Warfare Center at Kelly AFB in San Antonio, Texas.

1995.07.01  William D. Wall retired from USAF as a Major.  Worked for Trident Data Systems as senior analyst at the Air Force Computer Emergency Response Team.

1997.12.08  William D. Wall hired by Harris Corporation as a computer security engineer.

2001.01  Bobbie Lueginia (Brown) Codding Fowler died in Statesville, NC.  Buried in Stony Point, NC.

2013.10.31  William D. Wall spend 4 days at Holmes hospital in Melbourne, FL, for diabetes.

2014.01.18  Myrle Elizabeth “Betty” (Wall) Thompson died in California.

2015.06.09  William D. Wall worked in Abu Dhabi, UAE, for Harris Corp. as a computer security engineer.

2021.03.31  William D. Wall retired from L3Harris as Senior Scientist and senior Information Systems Security Engineer (ISSE).

2021.04.19  William D. Wall had surgery for skin cancer.






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