In the early 1990s I was an Air Force major and branch chief  at the Electronic Warfare Center (EWC) at Kelly AFB in San Antonio, Texas.  In September 1993, the Air Force Information Warfare Center (AFIWC) was created, reporting to the Air Intelligence Agency (AIA).  At the time, I was in charge of the Product Assessment and Certification Center (PACC) and headed a team of Air Force and Civil Service personnel that assessed Air Force sites of computer vulnerabilities.  In 1994, the Air Force Computer Emergency Response Team (AFCERT) was created as a cyber response capability.  I was one of the founding members (along with Fred Ramirez) and provided the personnel to man it from my branch.  When I retired from the Air Force in 1995, I worked at the AFCERT as a senior analyst.  We deployed our Automated Security Incident Measurement (ASIM) at 100 Air Force bases and sites to monitor the communications traffic and look for hackers.  Our team assessed, analyzed, and assisted in the handling of Air Force computer incidents and vulnerabilities.  We were one of the first incident response centers in the United States, and the first for DoD.  I did assist with the creation of the Army CERT (ACERT) and the Navy CERT (NAVCERT).  In 1995, the GAO considered the AFCERT as the premier acker incident response team in the US government.

AFCERT is now part of the Air Force Network Operations and Security Center Network Division.

Some of the AFCERT personnel while I was there included:

Robert Adams, Sam Adams, Cindy Amburn, James Barton, Dave Bibighaus, Sean Bitgood, John Bommer, Allen Bonneau, Ben Borrago, Tom Bridgehouse, Jason Brooks, Leroy Crooks, Richard Deleon, Kevin Drummons, Joe Filer, Bill Geer, Jose Granado, Dennis Gurtner, Rod Hebert, Terry Hect, Craig Heilman, Dave Helgert, Wanda Herrans-Bloise, Jay Larrew, Dave Lemmon, Jim Liscomb, TSgt Chuck Marchman, Willie Mayfield, Larry Merritt, Scott Miller, Robert Moore, Lacey Moss, John Myers, Don Nelson, Scott Olson, Julian Palmer, Steve Petrosino, Andy Proud, Fred Ramirez, Chad Renfro, Luis Reyes, Roger Robinson, Christina Roth, Raul Salas, Larry Schrader, Robert Schwingel, Jay Schwitzgebel, James Shereck, Maria Short, Chris Shutters, Lee Sutterfield, Dave Srulowicz, Byran Thatcher, Dave Thomason, Lorne Tobey, Bob Tracy, Justin Tran, John Volk, Scott Waddell, and Richard White 

PACC members from 1991 through 1997 included:

Chuck Adams, James Barton, John Bommer, Greg Burch, Donna Coen, Joe Cano, Billy Couvillion, Debbie Debaker, Jim Dennis, Keith Frederick, Joel Garmon, Bill Geer, James Goldston, Sandy Goldston, Joe Hartle, Victor Hernandez, Joe Humphrey, Ray Masbad, Larry Merritt, Ron Nguyen, Scott Olson, Rolando Pabon, Chris Prosise, Joe Pulido, Christopher Ray, Chano Rodriguez, Raul Salas, Jerry Schultz, Jim Shereck, Chris Shutters, Joe Sirrianni, Brian Soltz, Mark Spitzmiller, Ken Stauffer, Jason Weaver, Buddy Werner, Bob White, Richard Wojda, and Mike Young 


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