Wall's Jobs and Occupations


I've had a few different jobs and tasks over the years.  Here is a list of some of them.

In the mid 1960s, I earned money by picking berries and other crops in Washington State during the summer.

In 1968, I worked with the Washington State Department of Public Assistance in Tacoma, cleaning up areas of the city.

Custodian helper at Clover Park High School, Tacoma (1968-69)

Banquet setup man, Tacoma Motor Hotel (1969)

Aerospace engineering student, Northrop University (1969-70)

Air Force Basic Training, Lackland AFB, San Antonio, TX (1970)

Aircraft mechanic, KC-135 & B-52 (1970-74)

Aircraft crew chief, KC-135Q (1973-74) - Staff Sergeant

Mill operator in Statesville, North Carolina (1975)

Physics student (1975-1979)

Environmental Engineer at Stone Mt State Park, NC Dept of Forestry (1976)

Counselor, Barium School for Children in Barium, NC (1977)

Production Engineer, Super Tire Engineering Co (1977-79)

Officer Training School (OTS), Medina Annex, San Antonio, TX (1979) - 2nd Lt

Electrical Engineering student. AFIT (1979-1981)

Avionics Engineer, WPAFB (1981-1985)

Systems Engineer, Jovial embedded processors (1981-85)

Systems Engineer, Digital Avionics Information System (DAIS) program, Avionics Lab, WPAFB (1981-85)

Systems Engineer, PAVE PILLAR, Avionics Lab, WPAFB (1982-85)

Systems Engineer, Ada and Jovial compiler effort (1983) - Captain

Air Force engineering recruiter (1983-84)

Executive Officer, Air Force Labs, WPAFB (1984)

Systems Engineer, F-15 modernization (1984-85)

Systems Engineer, F-16, modernization (1984-85)

Computer chairman, National Aerospace and Electronics Conference (NAECON) (1985)

Squadron Officer School (SOS) Gunter AFB, Montgomery, AL (1985)

NASA-USAF liaison officer, NASA Ames Research Center, Mt View, CA (1986-90)

Challenger Space Shuttle Disaster investigation board providing supercomputer simulation support (1986)

Systems & security engineer, Numerical Aerodynamic Systems (NAS), NASA Ames (1986-91)

Major, USAF (1987)

Morris worm incident investigator (1988)

Chief, Product Assessment and Certification Center (PACC) (1991-95)

Branch Chief, Air Force Information Warfare Center/Air Intelligence Agency (AFIWC/AIA) (1991-1995)

Senior Analyst, AFCERT (1995-1996)

Security Engineer for Trident Data Company (1996)

Penetration tester of American Express (1997)

Penetration Tester of Symantec (1997)

Information System Security Engineer (ISSE), Thicket, Harris Corp (1997-1998)

ISSE, Security Test and Avoidance Technology (STAT) (1998-2007)

ISSE, AXISS proposal (2007)

ISSE, NGA proposal (2007)

ISSE, Algeria border security proposal (2007)

ISSE, health portal security (2007)

ISSE, ADS-B proposal (2007)

ISSE, GBS/DECC proposal (2007-2008)

ISSE, GPS-OCX (2007-2008)


ISSE, MET proposal (2007)

ISSE, SOA service bus (2007)

ISSE, GBS/DCGS proposal (2007)

ISSE, Army HNRv2 transit case (2007)

ISSE, Wind River MLS (2007-2008)

ISSE, Netherlands Compatriot Program (2007-2008)

ISSE, IBM High Assurance Program (HAP) (2008)

Penetration tester of FP&L wireless meters (2008)

ISSE, MDA maritime proposal (2008)

ISSE, GBS space fence proposal (2008)

ISSE, Common Avionics Terminal (2008)

ISSE, F-22 crypto module proposal (2008)

ISSE, JTRS proposal (2008)

ISSE, PACAF range encryption, Fairbanks, Alaska (2008)

ISSE, RDGS Solaris Spartan (2008-2009)

ISSE, GDSS-DECC proposal (2008)

ISSE, Boeing OSA proposal (2008)

ISSE, CANES proposal (2008-2009)

ISSE, UAE integrated mgt system proposal (2008)

ISSE, AMI metering security (2008-2009)

ISSE, CBSP proposal (2009)

ISSE, Kirkwood program (2009-2010)

ISSE, NOAA Weather Radio Improvement Program (WRIP) program (2009-2012)

ISSE, Nemo program (2009)

ISSE, Taser program (2009)

ISSE, Electric grid proposal (2009)

ISSE, ONCOR AMS web portal (2009)

ISSE, Cyberinsight program (2009)

ISSE, Army SCADA security (2009)

ISSE, BHIE proposal (2009)

ISSE, NSA MLS/DCID proposal (2009)

ISSE, ASTI, Alaska (2009)

ISSE, Boeing OSA NIC card (2009)

ISSE, FCSA proposal (2010)

ISSE, Maritime Communications System (MCS) Network Operations Center  (NOC) (2010-2011)

ISSE, CapRock Secure NOC (2010-2011)

ISSE, SGSS, NASA (2011-2014)

ISSE, buoy syslog effort (2011)

ISSE, cruise ship IT security (2012)

ISSE, data link source code analysis (2012)

ISSE, GOES-R and GOES-T  antenna and ground systems (2012-present)

ISSE, GWSAS program (2014-2015)

ISSE, Emirates Land Tactical System (ELTS) in the UAE (2014-2015)

ISSE, AWIPS II proposal (2015)

Scientist Harris (2016-present)

Senior Scientist L3Harris (2019-present)

RF Information Management System (RFIMS) consultant (2020)






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