From 1979 through March 1981, I attended the Air Force Institute of Technology (AFIT) at Wright-Patterson AFB in Dayton, Ohio as an electrical engineering student.

AFIT was founded in 1919 and started awarding degrees in 1956.  Notable AFIT alumni includes General Jimmy Doolittle, General Bernard Schriever, astronauts Bill Anders, Guion Bluford, Gordon Cooper, Donn Eisele, John Fabian, and Gus Grissom.

My courses for AFIT Class 2-E-81 included:

MA 163 Operational Systems
MA 502 Mathematical Methods of Engineering
EE 560 Feedback Systems
CT 200 Technical Writing
EE 201 Electrical Circuit Analysis

EE 202 Electrical Circuit Analysis II
MA 506 Mathematical Methods of Engineering II
EE 662 Feedback Systems II
MA 580 Probability Statistics for Engineers

EE310 Electronic Circuits I
MA 509 Mathematical Methods of Engineering III
EE 325 Electricity and Magnetism
EE 384 Electromechanical energy conversion

EE 450 Introduction to Logic Design
EE 425 Electromagnetic Waves
EE 311 Electronic Circuits II
MC 222 Dynamics

ME 323 Thermodynamics
EE 312 Electronic Circuits III
EE 451 Small Computer Systems
EE 491 Digital Filters

EE 431 Communication Systems
EE 490 Engineering Design Project
EE 620 Pattern Recognition
ST 596 Analysis of Soviet Economy

Others in my class included:

Ben Allen, Dave Baldwin, Norm Barsalou, Stan Cooper, James Denk, Gary Estee,  Rodney Hayes, Dan Higdon, Don Huckle, Ed Keefer, Roz Lewis Taylor, Bob Lovegren, Bill Lundgren, Charles Meidinger, John Pracher, John Reed, Mark (Riley) Repko, Phil Roberts (1956-2005), Steve Rogers, Thomas Rouff, Jeff Schowalter, Ed Smith, Fred Steirwalt, Bill Thomson, and Joe Von Holle.

Professors included Dr. Fontana, Dr. D'Azzo, Borke, Stamm, Potter, Kabriski, Dan Hayes, and Dr Pete Rustan (1946-2012).


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